Smart & Play


Smart & Play was founded in 2017 to provide children and students across the country to provide safe and fun IT education to children and students nationwide. In the new wave of the 4th industrial revolution what to prepare and how to prepare in the new wave of the 4th industrial revolution.

Smart AI Robot

Simple directions are not AI.
This is the beginning of true AI education that thinks and judges for itself!

Smart Coding Block

Korea's first block coding education program for junior launched!
Entry Scratch's elementary education and linked learning!

Smart Drone

Smart & Play, the best drone education for junior!
Complete with a smart drone!

Junior Courses

Online Courses


Python Programming for Dummies

Essential introductory course for artificial intelligence and data analysis! Python programming basics that even non-majors can learn

Getting Started with Java Programming

Java Programming Course for Beginners

Getting Java Programming for Beginners

Java Programming Course for Novices

Web Development

Introduction to Web Development Using Spring Boot

Spring Boot Web Development Course for Beginners, From Basics to Practice!

Beginner's Web Development Using Spring Boot

Web Application Development Using Spring Boot and MyBatis

AI.Artificial Intelligence

Learning Data Analysis with Python: NumPy

Getting Started with Data Analysis Using the NumPy Library

First Steps in Deep Learning

The Easiest Deep Learning Introductory Course for Beginners

Implementing Deep Learning Models Using TensorFlow

Understanding the Methodology and API Usage for Implementing Deep Learning Models Using TensorFlow

The Perfect Guide to CNN for Image Data Processing - TensorFlow

From the basic theory of CNN models to implementation and utilization for image analysis! The perfect one-stop guide!"

The Perfect Guide to RNN for Time-Series Data Processing - TensorFlow

From the basic theory of RNN models to implementation and utilization for time-series analysis! The perfect one-stop guide!

Cloud Computing

Taking the First Step in Cloud Computing!

Cloud Computing Basic Concepts and Applications that Anyone Can Understand Easily!

Understanding Container Technology Using Docker

A Practical-Based Introduction to Docker for Efficient Application Development and Deployment"

Basic Usage of Kubernetes for Beginners

First Steps with Kubernetes Alongside IT Platform Professionals"

Intermediate Use of Kubernetes

We will explore the technologies and application patterns for practical application of Kubernetes, a mainstream technology for application deployment/operation.

Microservices Architecture: Patterns and Core Technologies

Key Concepts, Core Technologies, and Architectural Patterns of Microservices Architecture

Data Science

The Age of Big Data, Data Literacy for Everyone

Author of 'Data Literacy' Direct Lecture, Enhancing Data Utilization Skills

Getting Started with SQL Programming

An Introductory SQL Programming Course Anyone Can Learn!

Learning Data Analysis with Python: NumPy

Getting Started with Data Analysis Using the NumPy Library

Learning Data Analysis with Python: Pandas

Getting Started with Data Analysis Using the Pandas Library

Getting Started with Statistical Data Analysis with Python: Introduction

Starting Statistical Data Analysis Using Python Libraries

Applying Statistical Data Analysis with Python: Basics

Techniques and Practicalities of Statistical Data Analysis Using Python

Getting Started with Machine Learning Using Python

Learning Machine Learning by Implementing Directly with scikit-learn

Implementing Machine Learning with Python: Regression Analysis

Learning Machine Learning by Implementing Regression Analysis Directly with scikit-learn

Implementing Machine Learning with Python: Classification Analysis

Learning Machine Learning by Implementing Classification Analysis Directly with scikit-learn

Implementing Machine Learning with Python: Tree Models

Learning Machine Learning by Implementing Tree Models Directly with scikit-learn

Implementing Machine Learning with Python: Unsupervised Learning

Learning Machine Learning by Implementing Unsupervised Learning Directly with scikit-learn

Tips for Using scikit-learn for Machine Learning

Learning Machine Learning by Implementing Directly with scikit-learn: Tips and Tricks

Data Analysis Using Pig and Hive

A Comprehensive Introduction to MapReduce and Hive for Big Data Analysis

Python Financial Data Analysis

Getting Started with Business Automation and Financial Data Analysis Using Python

Software Engineering

Clean Code for Improving Software Maintainability

A course where you can learn various patterns of Clean Code for enhancing maintainability through real code examples.

Introduction to Git Taught by Practitioners

Basics of Software Configuration Management and Practical Utilization of Gitlab

Project Management Using Git Taught by Practitioners

Basics of Software Configuration Management and Practical Utilization of GitLab for Project Management

Software Integration and Deployment Management with Jenkins

A hands-on introductory course focused on learning continuous integration and static analysis integration for projects using Jenkins.

Basics of Software Engineering

Learn and understand the entirety of software engineering through the software development process

Software Requirements Development

A course to learn the correct concept of software requirements and understand the process of developing them.

Static Code Analysis for Improving Software Quality

Understand the concept and types of code quality, and learn how to analyze and improve code quality using open-source tools.

Software Testing

An introductory course on dynamic software testing for software development participants.



Success Story

- Successful cases of BIT Education center in the 1990s, possessing operational know-how in the Korea
- Vietnam’s current IT market is similar to Korea’s early days


- Excellent instructor, education contents, management system
- Possessing various infrastructures through local business promotion(Studio UBUNTU, The Player)

Practical training

- Fostering field-oriented talents through project-oriented practical training
- Linked to premium courses such as portfolio production courses

Convergence education

- Promotion of convergence education in various fields (ex. IT & Video convergence education)


Unity's basic structure and user interface, 2D & 3D game development, physics, animation, AI & navigation, game building and deployment, advanced topics and best practices.

VFX.C# Programming

Basics of C#, .NET framework, object-oriented programming, advanced C# concepts (interfaces, exceptions, events, delegates), GUI development using Windows Forms, database connections, ASP.NET for web development.


Unreal's basic structure and user interface, 2D & 3D game development, physics, animation, AI & navigation, game building and deployment, advanced topics and best practices.

VFX.C++ Programming

Basics of C++, control structures, functions, object-oriented programming, Standard Template Library (STL), advanced topics (multithreading, exceptions, template metaprogramming).

Java Programming

Basics of Java, object-oriented programming, advanced Java concepts (interfaces, exceptions, multithreading), GUI development using JavaFX, working with databases, Spring framework.

Python Programming

Basics of Python, control structures, functions, data structures, object-oriented programming, file I/O, exception handling, Python libraries (Pandas, Numpy, etc.).

C# Programming

Basics of C#, .NET framework, object-oriented programming, advanced C# concepts (interfaces, exceptions, events, delegates), GUI development using Windows Forms, database connections, ASP.NET for web development.

C++ Programming

Basics of C++, control structures, functions, object-oriented programming, Standard Template Library (STL), advanced topics (multithreading, exceptions, template metaprogramming).

Cloud & DevOps

AWS Cloud Engineering

AWS basics, EC2, S3, RDS, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, more AWS services (CloudFront, CloudWatch), security practices, overview of AWS certifications.

NaverCloud Engineering

Naver Cloud basics, overview of Naver Cloud products and services, virtual server, object storage, database, load balancer, auto scaling, management and security, advanced services, best practices, overview of Naver Cloud certifications.

DevOps Engineering

Introduction to DevOps, Git & Github, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, infrastructure as code, monitoring and logging, DevOps best practices.

AI & BigData

TensorFlow Certification

Introduces the basics of TensorFlow, building neural networks, CNNs and RNNs in TensorFlow, and using tools like TensorBoard, TF Serving, and TF Lite.

Data Science

Learn Python for data science, statistics, data processing with Pandas, visualization with Matplotlib/Seaborn, and the basics of machine learning

Machine Learning

Introduction to linear and logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, SVMs, unsupervised learning methods, NLP, neural networks, and reinforcement learning.

Deep Learning

Covers the fundamentals of neural networks, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and transfer learning.

Web Development & Engineering

Full-Stack Development

Covers HTML/CSS, JavaScript, front-end and back-end frameworks, databases, and deployment practices.

Spring Development

Introduces Spring Framework, Spring Boot, MVC, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Microservices with Spring Cloud, Spring WebFlux, testing, and deployment.

Software Engineering

Involves a comprehensive understanding of software engineering processes from requirements gathering to software maintenance, including agile methodologies, software design, testing, CI/CD, and ethics.

Automotive Software Development

Covers the key aspects of automotive systems, AUTOSAR, functional safety, ADAS, in-vehicle networking, and embedded software development.



Unreal Bootcamp

Games, virtual reality, film, TV, VFX and architecture are just some of the future-proofed industries that desperately need fresh, diverse talent with skills in real-time 3D engines like Unreal engine. This bootcamp has been designed to get you a job as an Unreal engine programmer.

Unity Bootcamp

Global demand for Unity developers is growing fast in the technology and video game industry. Real-time 3D (RT3D) is one of the most in-demand tech skills and has one of the highest forecasted growth rates — over 70% in the next 10 years [Burning Glass].

Full-Stack Development

The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp is designed to give students the fundamental skills required to become a talented, confident, full-stack web developer. Together, we will leave no stone unturned and cover each topic in detail.

AI Applications

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most in-demand skills in the world. With the growth of automation and robotics across industries, there are tremendous job opportunities in AI programming, data science, engineering, and research.